Need to Feed Mice, Rodents, Birds? Use an Oral Gavage Needle | Disposable and Reusable Animal Feeding Needles | GavageNeedle.Com
March 08, 2018


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Need to Feed Mice, Rodents, Birds? Use an Oral Gavage Needle

What is the work of the gavage needle? It is a bulb-tipped stainless steel needle, plastic tube or a flexible cannula attached along with a syringe used to feed the liquid compound to the rats and the mice. The process of feeding the mice directly into the stomach is called the oral gavage. The size of these needles is as per the size of the rats and the mouses. You can find both disposable and reusable version of the gavage needle according to your purpose. is one of the best names when you search for the gavage needle. According to Michael H, one of the verified and happy customer of Gavage Needle, " The company was reasonable with its prices and offered free shipping and the order came quickly."

Nik J
Nik J


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